The automation is very simple. We just created a batch script to perform all the required operations and then use the Task Scheduler to run the backup every morning at 6 a.m when system is not being used.
The jobs performed in the batch script are as follows:
- Run Oracle Export
- Copy the dump and log files to backup area
- Compress the backup to save space
- Clear out dump files
Run Oracle Export
The database version we have deployed in most of our sites is Oracle 10gR2 ( We use Oracle's Datapump facility for exports instead of the classic Export which is more time-consuming and generates large sized dump files. A batch script is created for every Database instance. A parameter file mentioned in the batch file would contain all parameters for the Export.
Batch file would be as follows:
[Oracle Home]\bin\EXPDP   [system/pwd@db-name]   PARFILE=[full URL of Parameter file]
The parameter file would look as follows:
DIRECTORY=[Oracle Directory Name]
DUMPFILE=[Export File Name].DMP
LOGFILE=[Oracle Directory]:[Filename].LOG
SCHEMAS=[All the Schemas that need to be exported]
Archiving the export
Steps 2,3 and 4 are done using VBScript. For performing Zip operations we use 7-Zip as it provides a command-line interface. (Download here)
The VBScript will do the following:
- Create a folder for current day of week.
- Copy the contents from Export area to current day's folder.
- Compress the files in current day's folder.
- Remove current day's folder.
- Remove export dump files from Export directory.
The VBS file looks as follows:
' wsh script to create directory by day MON,TUE,....
' copy the backup into the respective Folders
' They will be Zipped and stored in the respective Folders
dim filestr, objFSO, dir, objfolder
dim backup_ok
dim sFiles, s7zpath, sStatement, sFileName
' msgbox weekday(date)
select case weekday(date)
case 1 filestr = "SUN"
case 2 filestr = "MON"
case 3 filestr = "TUE"
case 4 filestr = "WED"
case 5 filestr = "THU"
case 6 filestr = "FRI"
case 7 filestr = "SAT"
case else msgbox "Not a valid day"
end select
backup_ok = "N"
dir = "C:\TEMP"
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
' Ensure the target directory Exists
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
src_dir = "C:\TEMP\TEST"
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If not objFSO.FolderExists(src_dir) Then
wscript.echo "TARGET directory does not exist, Hence backup Not Created"
End If
todaydir = dir&"\"&filestr
' check whether folder exists
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FolderExists(todaydir) Then
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(todaydir)
' Wscript.Echo "Folder existS."
objFSO.DeleteFolder(todaydir), TRUE
' Wscript.Echo "Folder does not exist."
rem -------------------------------------
rem Create folder
rem -------------------------------------
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(todaydir)
' Wscript.Echo "Folder Created"
End If
rem -------------------------------------
rem Copy all files in the folder
rem -------------------------------------
' wscript.echo todaydir
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
objFSO.CopyFolder src_dir, todaydir , TRUE
' Zip the contents of folder using 7-zip
sFiles = todaydir & "\*.*"
s7zpath = """C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"""
sFileName = dir & "\" & filestr & ""
sStatement = s7zpath & " a -tzip -y " & sFileName & " " & sFiles
'wscript.echo sStatement
Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
' 0 - Hides the window and activates another window.
' true - script execution halts until the program finishes
oShell.Run sStatement, 2, true
' Delete the contents of Temp Folder
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if objFSO.FileExists(sFileName) then
'wscript.echo "Deleting " & todaydir
objFSO.DeleteFolder todaydir
' wscript.echo "Cannot locate " & sFileName
end if
' Delete DMP Files
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
For Each file In objfso.GetFolder(src_dir).Files
if objFSO.GetExtensionName(file) = "DMP" then
end if
' End of backup Script
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